Physio on the River

Are you sitting comfortably?

The majority of our clients are sedentary workers. You may be surprised to hear that sitting all day can be just as harmful as heavy labour. Very few jobs these days don’t include sitting at a desk and using a computer for at least some of the time.

Getting your workstation set up correctly doesn’t have to be expensive, although we would recommend spending a reasonable amount on your office chair as this is an essential piece of equipment to do your job properly and stay healthy.

The aim is to put your spine in the most ‘neutral’ position where the joints, ligaments and muscles are held in the position of least strain and effort.


Finally, remember that the chair cannot give you good posture – you still have to work at becoming aware of your posture. Sit yourself right back in the chair, draw yourself up tall, ‘wear’ your head over your shoulders and not in front of your shoulders and let the chair support you.



Next steps:

If you start to develop symptoms– commonly aches and pains in the neck, upper back, lower back and arms or funny sensations in the arms or legs – then give us a call on 020 8876 5690 and our Physiotherapists or massage therapists can help you resolve them.

If you run your own business or work in an office and need Workstation Assessments or Display Screen Assessments to be carried out to comply with the law, our Ergonomics Physiotherapist can sort that out for you. Just call 020 8876 5690 or email us here.

If you enjoyed this blog then take a look at our other posture related blogs.

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