Back pain articles

Back pain, lower back pain, upper back painA lot of people suffer with lower back pain and upper back pain without really ever getting the the bottom of what is causing it or getting proper treatment to resolve it.

Our physiotherapists are experts in all types of back pain and will be able to evaluate your range of movement and the things that cause you problems. They will then be able to recommend treatment and give you advice on exercises to strengthen your weak areas. They can also help you with going about your daily tasks or sports activities in a more efficient and effective way that will also help to avoid further problems in the future.

There are many myths about how people damage their backs and what should be done about it and a lot of them can actually make things worse. Have a look at the articles below written by our experts and see if they resonate with you. If you need help, please book an appointment to see us and we will be able to give you a thorough evaluation to determine what is really causing your back pain and undertake effective treratment that will help you move towards a long term resolution of your back problems.


Work from home, Workstation Assessment

While there are clear advantages to being at home, it could also have a negative impact in unexpected ways, (other than possibly missing out on career advancement, socialisation, office politics and how it affects your identity or sense of self, which are reasons supporting the argument for returning to a group environment). Whether you are […]

It’s not too late to get fit to ski this Spring

Are you stuck waiting for an operation?

Pilates is not just for women

Pilates is not just for women Did you know that the Pilates method of training was originally developed by a man? As in Joseph Pilates who, based on his experience as a boxer, soldier, bodybuilder, gymnast, and even as a martial artist, devised a system of exercise in the early 20th century to “bring the […]

low back pain

Back facts – what every person should know about low back pain

Back facts – what everyone should know about back pain

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Need to improve your golf swing performance and banish back pain? Physiotherapy could be the answer!

We know that lower back injuries are the most common amongst golfers. In fact, in professionals they account for up to 63% of all injuries. Wouldn’t it be nice to be free of pain and improve the effectiveness of your swing? Follow these 5 top tips to banish pain, prevent injury and maximise your golf […]

Back pain, lower back pain, upper back pain

Busting the myths about back pain!

If you suffer a back injury you can be sure to receive a multitude of advice from well-meaning friends. But is that advice always the right advice? Our beliefs about pain are formed at a young age and may relate to how our parents reacted to injury. Some parents make light of an injury whilst […]

Take the strain out of gardening!

Autumn and spring are busy times and budding gardeners will be keen to get out in the garden. But before you venture forth with spade or secateurs in hand read on for some helpful tips on how to prevent a weekend of gardening becoming a back breaking experience! First remember that gardening is a physical […]

Workstation assessments: complying with the law and improving the health of your staff

Are you an Employer, HR Director or Office Manager? Read on to find out how we helped a City PR company: comply with the law relating to Health and Safety at work improve working conditions for their office workers and improve the health of their staff by reducing work related aches and pains and absenteeism   […]

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Which workstation accessories could help you enjoy a more comfortable working day?

Apart from the basic desk, chair and computer there are a number of useful gadgets which can help you work more comfortably at work or in your home office. We’ve picked out a few that we think can make a real difference.   The footrest: in a previous blog ‘Are you sitting comfortably?’ we talked […]

Do you have good working habits?

Getting your workstation set up correctly is the first part of looking after the health of your spine. The second part is introducing some good working habits which will cut down the loading of your joints and soft tissues and keep you pain free through your working life. Have you studied your work area? Can […]

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How to cope with Osteoarthritis

Did you know that last week was both national ‘Walk to Work Week’ and ‘Arthritis Week’? As Physiotherapists we treat lots of people suffering from arthritis in their joints. A common question they ask us is ‘What form of exercise is safe for me to do?’ Walking and swimming are excellent forms of exercise because […]

Are you sitting comfortably?

The majority of our clients are sedentary workers. You may be surprised to hear that sitting all day can be just as harmful as heavy labour. Very few jobs these days don’t include sitting at a desk and using a computer for at least some of the time. Getting your workstation set up correctly doesn’t […]