elbow pain in golfers

Golfers elbow and how physiotherapy can help

What is golfers elbow? Golfers elbow is a pain on the inside of your elbow affecting the flexor tendons that flex your wrist, hand and fingers and attaches to the inside of your elbow. We used to think it was caused by an inflammation of the tendon which links the muscle to the bone. However, […]

picture of golf swing sourced from www.swingpilot.com

Need to improve your golf swing performance and banish back pain? Physiotherapy could be the answer!

We know that lower back injuries are the most common amongst golfers. In fact, in professionals they account for up to 63% of all injuries. Wouldn’t it be nice to be free of pain and improve the effectiveness of your swing? Follow these 5 top tips to banish pain, prevent injury and maximise your golf […]